Rebirth Radio
I loved being able to share parts of my journey, on Rebirth Radio!!! One of my most beloved things about being an entrepreneur is that my family paved the way. I want to always have be able to pay homage by sharing how their journeys inspired mine and helped mold me into the business woman I am today.
When I be began my journey there weren’t as many resources as there are today to help small business owners. I am honored to be able to lead a program that offers resources, trainings, and programs that help start up businesses and help to elevate existing businesses. Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. We talk about a lot of the beautiful parts of it, but not the difficult parts. Shea and Eli provided me an opportunity and space to be transparent and forth coming about what I have experienced as a business owner and what I have seen from others and how you can use that to fuel the impact you want to create or the business you want to build.
I wanted to be able to shed light, educate, and inspire those who want to be entrepreneurs. My advice is learn and know, your worth and move with purpose and passion.